A Wonky Quilt Top Finish

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Well, nothing lined up properly. And the points don’t match up. It is indeed a wonky quilt. BUT I LOVE IT just the same.

After deciding I did not want to make any more wonky blocks, I started adding borders. One white to kind of disguise the cutoff block tips. And one in black to wrap up the color explosion. I finished putting the last border on yesterday. It measures 57″ by 57″.

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For the back, I will use the two leftover blocks and surround them with polka dots. For the binding, I think I will go bold and use hot pink polka dots.

This project has been a learning experience. For sure next time, I will accurately measure the corner triangles so I don’t end up cutting into the “block” when trimming. It’s all good. If I don’t learn something from each of my projects, then I need to put my sewing machine in storage.

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I still have a ton of half-square triangles (HST’s) leftover from my Hugs and Kisses quilt. The smaller ones. I think I will trim these before deciding on a project. Not sure if I want to go wonky again.

I have one more border to sew on my Stairsteps quilt and yay!! that quilt top will be finished too.

For real!! Two quilt tops. Can you believe it?

OK… enough about me. What have you been working on? Do tell.

Linking up to.





14 comments on “A Wonky Quilt Top Finish

  1. Denise says:

    I really like this quilt! It’s happy and colorful and fun. And no one will notice the wonky-ness once it’s quilted and being cuddled underneath! Great job. Did you use a tutorial?

    • don_mae says:

      Thanks so much, Denise. I had fun making it. No patterns or tutorials used. I made it up as I went. But I am working on a tutorial. Hope to have it posted by next week. Thanks for asking.

  2. Vivian says:

    I totally agree. Wonkiness is never noticed or cared about when a quilt wraps it owner in your love!

    My quilting words of wisdom are always,
    “Perfection is highly over rated!”.
    Beautiful quilt, thanks for sharing.

    • don_mae says:

      Hi Vivian, thanks so much for your comments on my wonky quilt. I tend to beat myself up on my imperfections. But I am learning… slowly.. to let it be and move on to the next project.

  3. I love wonky. Yours is spectacular. So many people can get points inside the block, it’s passe. The new “in” thing is to say, “I’m so good, I don’t have to give into the pressure to get points on my blocks!”

  4. Crystal says:

    Perfection is over-rated, not to mention exhausting.
    It’s beautiful, Donna! You go Girl! đŸ™‚ xo

  5. Deb says:

    Agree with Denise and Vivian- once someone is wrapped up in it, they won’t care if its not quite perfect! Your “wonky” quilt is perfect!

  6. Allison says:

    this is a great quilt top, so cheerful & fun!

  7. A wise quilter once told me, “Remember, only God is perfect our quilts don’t need to be” and believe me mine never are! And that saying is on the wall in my quilting room! Your quilt is lovely!

  8. Sue says:

    I like it! Its bright, colourful and happy. Perfect is overrated – finished is much better!

  9. Two, hurray! They are so fun and cheerful!

  10. Carol says:

    I admire your work a lot. I am not a person that was meant to sew little pieces of fabric together so that everything matches and comes out even. You took the imperfection in stride and still made a beautiful quilt.

  11. don_mae says:

    Oh Wow!! Loving all of your comments.

    Perfection IS exhausting. For sure. One or two days in sewing this quilt, I almost threw in the towel. It looked awful no matter what I did. After sleeping on it, it hit me.. to just TURN the block. One side was longer than the other. So I alternated, long, short, long, short, etc, to form the rows. That seems to work and I am happy I didn’t have to scrap the whole project.

    Thanks so much for coming along with me for my wonky experiment. đŸ˜€

  12. Jen says:

    Just found your blog via a macrame tutorial. I love your quilt. It has an animated feel, like all the squares are about to start moving and flashing, just a little.

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